Welcome to the World, Bavinger House
by Lynne Rostochil.
Of all of my great vintage discoveries, I think this might be one of the best. While digging through a box of old maps and tourist brochures at a flea market recently, I stumbled upon what I believe is a dedication brochure for the Bavinger House. It’s not flashy or graphically exciting, but it does reveal the hard work and dedication of the students who helped build the home, the Bavingers, who longed for an escape from life in “little boxes,” and the true genius of Bruce Goff. It’s quite a document, and I’m really excited to share it with you!
Click an image to enlarge it:
UPDATE: I heard from Bob Bowlby, who immediately recognized the brochure and had this to say about it:
The little Bavinger brochure was printed as a hand-out when the Bavingers opened the house for tours – they charged an admission fee which produced what I imagine was some much needed cash. It must have been in the spring or autumn of 1956.