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1 gary mccowan diptych


Gary McCowan was born and raised in OKC.  After he graduated high school, he headed to Norman with no real idea of what he wanted his major to be.  A chance encounter with architect and OU professor Norman Byrd set him on the path to studying architecture, where he met mentor and lifelong friend, Dean Bryant Vollendorf.  He graduated in 1970 and went to work for Bill Howard and then Robert F. Reed before going out on his own.  During his varied career, Gary has worked with Vollendorf, led the restoration of Ennis House and Millard House in Los Angeles, and worked for Paolo Soleri.  He’s an incredible organic architect and a great friend to the Okie Mod Squad.


Gary has always been on his own.


Fox & Horn Restaurant, OKC
Carey House, Edmond
Tate House, Bethany
Wesner House, Cordell

Mod Blog Features:

Goodbye, Fox & Horn



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