Designed by Conner & Pojezny
214 NE 23rd, OKC
According to an Oklahoma City Times article, many cars driving by the new Benham building had to stop and stare at (and even take photos of) its unique design. Standing on stilts, the building was constructed this way because of the size limitations of the lot. In order to provide parking, they had to come up with a creative solutions, so stilts it was. It won the Outstanding Building/Offices award from OK AIA in 1954.
Conner & Pojezny officed here until the firm dissolved in 1955. Benham Engineering also occupied space in the building and remained for many years.
At some point, the building was expanded in the back, and the bottom was enclosed to create more work space (the lot next door was used for parking).
The building was demolished in 2012.