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russell babb harrah school 1960 2012.201.B0249.0153

harrah school 1960 2012.201.B0249.0153

Designed by Julian Vahlberg
20901 NE 10th St., Harrah

The Russell Babb Elementary school in what was then rural Harrah was a Googie delight that looked like a gaggle of friendly UFOs parked at a futuristic drive-in restaurant.  Here’s the building under construction:

russell babb elementary okc times

And soon after completion:

harrah elementary 1962 2012.201.B0249.0080

Named after the district’s longtime superintendent, the school cost $825,000 to build and contained 20 classrooms in three pods:

russell babb elementary article

russell babb elementary classrooms

Here’s the circular cafetorium:

harrah school 1962 2012.201.B0249.0130

The school also boasted labs and a fully equipped gym:

russell babb elementary gym

Also, there was a storm shelter that could hold 600 students.

Unfortunately, the three aging pods were demolished in 2005 due to roof and plumbing problems, but the main school building and gym remain.

Images courtesy of the OPUBCO collection at the History Center and the Harrah Historical Society.

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