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kamphoefner norman house_1942

kamphoefner norman house_1942

Designed by Henry L. Kamphoefner
Norman, OK

Kamphoefner house Norman - now 2

One of Oklahoma’s earliest examples of residential modernism sits at the back of a wooded lot near the OU campus and was designed by then acting chairman of the School of Architecture, Henry L. Kamphoefner.  The one-bedroom, L-shaped house was built with plenty of redwood siding, flagstone, and large windows to take full advantage of its siting on the lot.  It was a marvel on the prairie when it was built, so much so that even Frank Lloyd Wright, who was Kamphoefner’s guest during a visit in 1946, praised the design in a newspaper article.

The home was featured in a 1944 issue Pencil Points magazine:

Kamphoefner Norman House Pencil Points 5

To see more photos of the home, go here.  To read more about Kamphoefner and his career, go herehere, and here.


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