Fred Pojezny was born in OKC in 1920 and attended OSU. World War II broke out during Pojezny’s last year at OSU and he left college shortly before graduation to enlist in the Navy, spending the war years aboard the U.S.S Prometheus and as part of a camera party in Norfolk (he received his diploma in 1943 while in the Navy). After the war, he reconnected with former OSU classmate R. Duane Conner, and they formed Conner & Pojezny in 1946. Upon the dissolution of the firm nine years later, he started his own firm and designed and developed various shopping centers around town until his retirement in 1982. He died in 1999.
Conner & Pojezny, 1946-1955
Pojezny & Associates, 1955-1982 (his retirement)
Glasgow House, Edmond
Hull House, OKC
Student Union, UCO campus, Edmond
Y-Chapel of Song, UCO campus, Edmond
Mid-Continent News Building, OKC
Buildings on the First Christian Church campus
Associated Glass Building
Sallis House
French Market Mall
Northpark Mall
Mod Blog Features:
The Architecture of Fred Pojezny
Soon-To-Be On the Market: The Sallis House
The Y-Chapel of Song
Celebrating 60 Years: A History of the First Christian Church, Part 1
Celebrating 60 Years: A History of the First Christian Church, Part 2
Celebrating 60 Years: A History of the First Christian Church, Part 3
On the Market: The Iconic First Christian Church
A Look at the Enchanting Hull House