The ’59 Ford Station Wagons: The World’s Most Beautifully Proportioned Cars

by Lynne Rostochil.  Brochure from Lynne’s collection.

While rummaging through a pile of vintage ephemera at an antique store in Perry a few weeks ago, I stumbled upon this fabulous Ford brochure from 1959 touting the all-new station wagons in such cheerful colors as Wedgewood Blue and April Green.  The brochure made me so giddy that I couldn’t wait to share it with you.  Let’s begin with the nine-passenger Country Squire:

I’ve always loved the Country Squire, and we’ve talked about this iconic wood panelled marvel on the Mod Blog before — here and here.

Here’s the dreamy Country Sedan:

And, finally, the classy Ranch Wagon:

Look at all of the glorious styles, fabrics, and colors that you could choose from to create your very own dream car.  Which combination would you go with?

Now, let’s check out how the Ford wagons ride:

They might be terrifying to parallel park, but you’ve got to love that “bowling alley” loadspace!

With all of that girth above, the wagons needed some pretty zippy horsepower and a strong suspension:

These cars had all kinds of fun options and even a few safety features, too:

While Mom could enjoy carting the kiddos around in the Country Squire, Dad could opt for one of these sportier Fords:

Finally, if you get a magnifying glass, you might be able to read the specs for the ’59 Ford wagons: